From Chained...
to Freedom!
Two Magical Sessions with THE COLLECTIVE!
Session 1 "All the Same" (mp3 download)
Session 2 "The Many of The One" (mp3 download)
Listen to The Collective talk abouthow you create restrictions in your life in this specially recorded short audio (mp3)
Hover over the gray bar and click the ► to play.
Listen to the CollectiveTalkAboutChained2Freedom
AWESOME is the only word to describe this amazing experience!
But to do so you must get out of the box you have been living in and move beyond recreating another version of what you already have.
And as you do, you will step into a world of truly creating out of pure possibility. Not just moving around the pieces of what has come before.
Come Step into your Infinite Potential and fall completely IN LOVE with yourself and see the magic and unlimited potential in your life right here, right now!
Can you imagine what that would feel like?
These two sessions not only take you to into a direct experience of the all powerful, infinite you, but also energetically reprogram you at the cellular memory level!
"When we were asked how we felt and if we had any questions, it was very difficult to speak because I felt beyond speech -- I would have to form words and sentences, and that is a mental thing. The room I came back to was glowing with light and full of energy, and today I feel very Big, with lots of space inside.
I can't wait to listen again!"
~ Cris Soth
"I could see what is in the world of the tube that I'm in, while soaring thru it, and explore within it, but I could ALSO see outside of it, and the constellation of stars, the galaxies, the larger Universe, if you will... .. and when I'd pop out of the tube in to the greater "infinity" sometimes it was light and sparkling filled with stars and a sense of wonder and calm... it was always exciting and vibrant.. alive.
I felt humbled by the fact that it was clear I was a "part" of a larger grid if you will, but only a part, and that I really wasn't separated from the larger group.. and that sometimes I was me in this world, and other times it was as if another tube out there could hold the vision or view into another life I'd had, and that I could "visit" that if I chose, see what those choices were that I'd made, who I had been in that life, what I'd done and what my purpose was during that life..."~ Cynthia Grier
Being filled with the amazing perfection of yourself and your life OR Being in stress seeing yourself and your life in continual need of fixing and lacking something.

You end up stuck living in a box that was built by your choices and is held in place by the mind.
At times you may get brave and boldly push through, but your cellular memory programs along with the mind soon force you back to 'comfort and safety'. You are once again caught within the walls of your own box. You are stuck.

You can't fix yourself out of this. You need to experience a deep shift to break out of your box.
Are you ready to connect with this Truth and break out of that box?

Through experiencing on a whole body, whole being, whole energy level, you access and release lifelong cellular memory programs!
RESULT: New choices and opportunties start to show up everywhere!
The teleseminar was totally mind blowing, it validated, on every single level everything, I have ever experienced. I can't tell you how much I appreciated the talk about the Universe and the nature of perception as just perfect. Ultimately a perfect explanation and experience of All ThaI Is! I can't tell you how wonderful it was to feel validated and to participate.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
~ Barbara L. |


Meeting Your True Nature, the Divine You. Really MEETING AND EXPERIENCING Divine You! (not hypothetically) In this GREAT FEELING SESSION:
- Discover "You" in powerful guided meditative processes taking you deep within to experience the Infinite Divine You that you are.
- Discover and EXPERIENCE your Energy structure and how it is the the energy structure of All That Is.
- Uncover some Core Beliefs during guided a meditative process and learn how to shine your Light upon them and watch them vanish.
- Forgive yourself and realize that your past choices were and are perfect. Illuminating and freeing!
- AND Much much more!
Really Break out into Your Power and Wild powerful BLISS!
- Break out of smallness (the box) that has trapped you and held you hostage.
- Uncover additional Core Belief structures and burn them up in a great big bonfire of Divine Light.
- Discover WHERE YOU fit in to All That Is and WHY you are so valuable!
Activate the Divine Knowing ability within you on a cellular level and break the dependence on looking outside of yourself for guidance and teaching.
Experience a joyful session, a celebration and a freedom fest!
- AND much, much more!
I drove home from work listening to why we live in a "box". I was about 5 minutes away from my home when The Collective said they'd do a guided meditation. Divine timing!
The meditation was awesome! I felt myself floating away at times, then I'd get pulled back down. What an amazing feeling! I can't wait to use the meditation in the morning right on the beach. ~ Lisa O'Neil

Energy Exchange of $144.44 for the two life shifting sessions!
Still listening to the enlightening "From Chained to Freedom" and am now on the meditation. Very insightful. I was amazed to see DNA everywhere like that as well, though when I think of it, not so surprised, yet in awe like the one participant explained.
Heartfelt thanks for your work, which is a gift to all whose paths you cross!
~ Gena Lumbroso |
(Receive Amazing amounts of clearing and freedom!)
The freedom to create your life without limits awaits ...
Being human never felt this good!
© 2017 Amy Flynn and The Collective