2020: The Portal of Divine Rebirth
On January 1, 2020 we entered into a new decade and a very special and rare new year. 2020 is a powerful year long Portal! This entire year is a Portal! What will we encounter along the journey? The last time we experienced a Portal Year was 1919. The next time there will be a Portal Year is 2121. This year is rare and very powerful.
20/20 is also the number of perfect vision. This year of perfect vision brings clarity and clear seeing of all those parts of ourselves we have preferred to leave in the shadows. We will clearly see others too this year. This year we will clearly see the opportunities and obstacles on our path, and we will clearly see how we habitually respond to each. There will be no hiding from the energy this year!
The person you were when you entered the 2020 Portal on January 1 is not going to be person you will be on December 31 2020. This is a Portal of Transformation, a Portal of Evolution, a Portal of Rebirth - Divine Rebirth and a path to the Divine Human. Discover what it means for you and What Lies Ahead in 2020. The Collective want you to thrive and sparkle in this year and they will show you how to do so.
2020 IS a powerful year of crucial change (The Collective call it Divine Rebirth) and you can't escape it. You are either going to be knocked around by the powerful winds of change in 2020 or you are going to, with awareness and focus, hoist up a sail and ride those winds of change to where you want to go! It is YOUR choice.
This entire session is filled with very powerful energy transmissions throughout enhanced by the day's Full Moon Eclipse!
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All content ©Amy Flynn and The Collective, all rights reserved