The 11-11-11 Light Frequency Alignment and Attunement
A beautiful gift from The Collective (channeled by Amy Flynn) to align and attune you with the high Light frequencies that are flowing today and over the next 3 days.
You are connected with and become the Crystalline Grid, activate the pulse of the Crystalline Grid and attune the pulse of your heart with the pulse of the Crystalline Grid. You are also connected with attuned to the heartbeat of the Earth which is beating in resonance with the Crystalline Grid. You become the Crystalline Grid, both a point of Light on the Grid and the entire Grid.
You will release all that doesn't serve you and be attuned to resonate with the higher frequencies.
It is quite a magnificent meditation! The words do not do it justice.
Please download and enjoy this powerful meditation.
Important Instructions: Drink a large glass or two of water before listening. Drink more water after listening and traveling on this guided meditative journey.
This meditation is created and offered in the highest state of Creative Love.
© Amy Flynn and The Collective, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email. Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the original post.