Why Create The Illusion of Duality? (A great question!)
ACTUAL QUESTION: "if we are to understand we are all one, then why create this illusion in the first place? why not allow us to live knowing we are all one? duality and separateness seems to be behind a lot of the problems we have today, in my opinion. what is the purpose of it? why waste millions of years trying to come to oneness when it was never necessary to create the illusion of separateness to begin with?"
The Collective have asked reply to this question now. They feel it is a "root question" for very many people. The answer they have given is extremely thorough.
This is a wonderful question, thank you for posing it. We are certain that every awakening human being at some time has asked this question. Why create the illusion of duality?
In order to see the value of duality, you need to remember who you REALLY are. You are not the isolated human being that you experience in your daily life and that you see reflected in the mirror. You are Source, an infinite eternal consciousness. By your true nature, you have no form. You are all that exists. In other words you are the ONLY thing that exists. You are by your nature formless, composed of high frequency Light energy. You are an active conscious
energy - Love (aka known as Life) force. You are NO-thing, however you are the potential for ALL things. Your constant state of being is Joy. Infinite and boundless joy. You are one big happy mass of conscious energy. Wonderful! Existence is grand!
After several millennia of expanding in this state of bliss, you began to desire more, to know yourself beyond the high frequency Light/Love/Joy that you knew yourself as. Containing the potential of any and every thing, you chose to PROJECT your consciousness into various dimensions of experience in order to experience them and come to know other aspects of BEing You. (The You here is Source, truly the ONLY You). You are enjoying this exercise immensely
(you can only experience Joy) and enjoy learning about yourself through the experience of other dimensional projections. However you desire to learn even more. In your infinite and all knowing wisdom you realize that in order to come to know and experience various aspects of yourself you need to create "contrast". Much like you could not see a black ball against a black background, a different colored background must be created to provide contrast so now you can easily see and experience the black ball. So you, through further projection of your consciousness, create dimensions of contrast.
The dimensions providing the sharpest, clearest extreme experiences are the dimensions in which you set up the illusion of duality (diametrically opposed opposites). With duality in place, a whole new world of experience is open to you! You can experience up and know up because you have the contrast of it's opposite down. You can experience stop now because it contrasts with go. You can experience lack of joy in contrast to your never ending true joyful state. You are thrilled! This is the best game ever! You are rolling over yourSelf in delight!
YOU (as Source) always remain in your constant state of Joy and Light. To make the magnitude of experiential input greatest, you project an infinite "number" of energetic extensions of yourself into a multitude of dimensions. These extensions of You experience all that the dimension had to offer (and you joyfully, lovingly know yourSelf more and expand). In order to ensure that the experiences are REALLY felt and enjoyed as REAL - the energetic extensions of You have to BELIEVE the dimension they were in. In the lower dimensions that experience duality and contrast and experience time/space, there had to be a complete forgetting of Self as Source. To further uphold the "illusion" of the great duality play, the reactive ego was created. Limited sensory input was created.
All energy always moves in upward flowing spirals therefore all consciousness (aspects of Source) is ascending upward continually . As an individual unit of Source energy, the spark of Source Consciousness that you call "you" flows upward on this spiral, it moves into higher dimensions of consciousness where duality is not the game, something new is. You (Source) experience and learn different aspects of yourSelf from each dimensional experience.
Please realize that You as Source exist right now in ALL dimensions, not just one. You exist in all points of space/time (space/time are a created illusion/concept) not just one that "know" with your physical senses. When you connect to what you know as your Higher Self or Source (aka God) you are accessing that multidimensional, endless part of yourself. You have never stopped being Source - One infinite, eternal conscious energy. At this exact moment, You are projecting every dimension and infinite projections within those dimensions. You are doing it right now. There is no past/present/future.. that which you call "the Big Bang" is happening at this moment, now.
On Oneness: All that you see around you are not "others" or "other objects" - they are You. You are not One with everyone and everything; you are everyone and everything. The "separate" individual you that you are experiencing Life through right now, is a figment of your own (Source) creative imagination. It is the experience you created to learn about yourSelf through contrast.
We have tried to explain as clearly and simply as we can the experience of You projecting aspects of yourSelf forth into various mediums (aka dimensions) to experience and know yourSelf. However, you are reading it with your human mind and your ego is watching over your shoulder. The very best way to experience yourSelf as your real Self, Source, is through direct experience. This is the purpose of meditation - to put the ego to the side, the thinking brain to the side and to BE present in the silence as yourSelf. That vast silence, that force is YOU - Source - Love. In a successful meditation, you vanish into the vastness. We have created many processes for you to experience yourSelf as Source, to BE the experience of infinite hugeness, all present, all knowing, pure Love and Light. To transcend physical form and exist as pure energy for 20 or 30 minutes. It is a GRAND feeling and it is your real form.
Many of these processes are on our website http://TheCallofYourBeing.com (the Crystalline Grid connection process, The Call of Your Being), Time Alchemy http://Time.moneyreikihealing.com will take you into the point of no-time/all-time, which is your nature - timeless, eternal. The Enhance Your Connection with Source has a profound process within it which guides you into vastness, infinite, eternal BEingness. (The Source process is found here: http://Telerecordings.moneyreikihealing.com.)
The Collective are non-physical Source Consciousness that speak and write through me, Amy Flynn. They are my "larger part". As physically expressed beings, we each have our own larger non-physical part which we can connect with and hear. More from The Collective can be found at their website at http://TheCallofYourBeing.com
The Collective are non-physical Source Consciousness that speak and write through me, Amy Flynn. They are my "larger part". As physically expressed beings, we each have our own larger non-physical part which we can connect with and hear. More from The Collective can be found at their website at http://TheCallofYourBeing.com
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email. Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the original post.