Home of The Collective, channeled Source Guides. Your Inner Being is calling, will you heed the Call? Come play, grow and learn with The Collective how to connect with who you really are and to use the higher dimensional energies for personal evolution and professional success.
Fear only exists within your mind and fear can only be experienced when your mind projects itself into the future to project a false reality or outcome. For nothing is real that has not happened yet. Nothing that isn't real can harm you.
When you feel fearful you will notice you have a clenched and contracted feeling inside your gut or chest. When you feel this tightness you are mentally focused in the future. It is important to come back to the present moment. A quick and easy way to do this is to feel yourself in the body.
We offer you this Quick and Easy Fear Release Process to do just this.
You are the energy flowing through the body and you can feel yourself as this energy in your body. Become very aware of and feel your feet touching the floor. Feel the floor pressing up against your feet. Find yourself in your body. Feel your hands and squeeze your fingers together several times, touching the first finger to the thumb on one or both hands. Notice how the pressure feels on the finger tips. Take some deep abdominal breaths and focus your attention on feeling the air flowing into your lungs and expanding the lungs and abdominal area. Tell the part of your mind having the fearful thoughts ... "thank you for sharing, all is well".
Continue to focus on the words all is fine and well. Feel the feeling of being loved and cared for (you need only to accept that you are). Look around and find something that makes you smile. Spend a few moments looking at that or remembering a memory that made you joyful and smile. Allow the feeling of the joyful memory to wash over you filling you up, notice the expansive feeling in your chest. Relax and be peaceful in the moment.
At any given time you can have a hurricane raging around you. You can either be caught up in the rain and wind bands along with all the dangerous debris that the storm has picked up or you can choose to be in the eye of the storm. The eye is calm, peaceful and often sunny! All is beautiful in the eye.
In your life, until it becomes a habit, you must practice coming back to the eye of the storm otherwise you will find yourself in the 'outer bands' over and over getting smacked by the high winds, rain and debris. Practicing this technique will always bring you back to the peace of the eye. It can be done anywhere you notice you start to feel anxious or worried or stressed.
Remember... You are always the master of your moments.
~ The Collective ~
The Collective are non-physical Source Consciousness that speak and write through me, Amy Flynn. They are my "larger part". As physically expressed beings, we each have our own larger non-physical part which we can connect with and hear. More from The Collective can be found at their website at http://TheCallofYourBeing.com
(c) Amy Flynn and The Collective, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at)allabout-energy.com. You may freely quote as long as you link to the post.