Living from The Heart as Love
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Moving the Energy into the Heart to Source
Your Life from Love changes EVERYTHING!
Love is an incredible force that creates
tremendous positive change in your life!
The Collective see that too many people are still living from their minds which is not compatible with the high frequency energies that are now here on Earth and flowing through you every moment.
Living from your mind and attempting to use the mind (through affirmations, beliefs, study programs, etc) to control your life at this point in our evolution results in:
♥ feeling discomfort in your body
♥ physical or mental agitation
♥ anxious energy
♥ ADD type symptoms
♥ poor quality sleep
♥ lack of peace
♥ catching colds and illness easily
♥ repelling money
♥ relationships not working or feeling supportive
and more!
It might have worked before to think and plan your way through your life. But not any more, it won't produce the high level results you want.
Instead ... You need to jump right over the mind and let your heart drive.
So how do you get out of the mind?
And how do you genuinely feel love for your mind even when the thoughts you are having are negative?
You must elevate and raise your vibrational frequency above that of mind and mental thinking to that of the Heart and Source Energy.
This is exactly what The Collective guide you effortlessly to do in this high vibration recording!
The result? You are simply left buzzing with Joy, Love and creative inspiration!
And your life begins to work in ways you never imagined!
It was a powerful experience! As the Collective came in it was like my body disintegrated and I moved into the unified field of Love, the core of Creation. I felt completely neutral, and then I came to when the process stopped. The next morning I woke up and felt that I had moved beyond all lower vibrational energies and was totally filled with JOY.
~ Mette C
Love does not think.
It IS the space of infinite possibility.
BEING Love is You living as your Infinite Potential
Your True Nature is Love
Source is Love
and You are Source
When you are BEING Love here on Earth - you are truly BEIng a Divine Human on Earth, the next level in the Evolution of Human.
Speechless at the profound love experienced!!!!! Thank you so much and to The Collective for giving me this incredible experience of Living from the Heart as Love!!!!!
Travelling within yourself to go outside and experience Love Bringing Light into Life. It was incredible to experience yourself as an expanded vibrating light, full of joy,aliveness,bliss and appreciation. I was left tingling with delight.
I will be listening to this regularly. ~ Nathan Howat, Australia ~
Just thinking about the Energy of Love FEELS GOOD!
You'll receive 2 Powerful Recordings:
1) The complete session recording (so you can learn and journey):
0 to :28 Q & A, The Collective shares about Love, Awareness and Love Force being the origin
of all other energies, the Source of All That Is.
:28 - The story of you., the origins of you. (You will Love this and it will resonate in your heart!)
:36 - :1:27 - The Amazing Guided Process to Love-Source Force
1:28 to end, wrap up sharing, powerful insights
2) The Guided Process to Love-Source-Force Alone (so you can journey repeatedly to Love/Joy!)
50 minutes
Energy ♥Exchange $73.33
click below to purchase
AND receive a very special gift from Guy Finley
"The Genesis of Love"
What a truly unforgettable experience it was! I felt unending joy, bliss and delight. The energy was tremendously expansive, loving and playful. I remembered and recognized that as my true nature. My body felt alive and light; it was filled with light.
At one moment I felt my spine undulating, and there was almost an unbearable sensation of joy in my heart, an orgasmic feeling and sensation that brought tears of bliss to my eyes. I was sobbing with happiness! I have never experienced anything quite like it before.
I realised I am LOVE/GOD, and I am playing and innocently discovering and squealing with delight, the joy of being in a body. What fun it is to go on an adventure, without judgment, of what an embodied life in this dimension has to offer! Ah! it is so great to be alive. Thank you thank you thank you dear hearts.
~ Mo Razak ~
♥ The energy is here now to support you in letting go of the "in-your-head-you" -- which you aren't really -- so you can BE You.
♥ The Collective show you exactly how to start allowing and experiencing this now by clearing your now energy now and guiding you through the most loving and good feeling magical Love process.
♥ You will receive a very special Energy Activation during the guided Love process
♥ You will learn to use your thoughts as only a bridge to a feeling and quickly leave the bridge behind as soon as you find your destination feeling.
♥ You will BE Living Love filled with Joy beyond imagining!
During the process, my heart was burning with feeling and Love energy filled my entire chest, as if my heart had been expanded. There was lots of peace and harmony and fulfillment, happiness and Joy! I felt a total integration with All That Is! It was an AMAZING EXPERIENCE which has lasted .............
I now have even a deeper awareness and perception of all issues happening in my life and on the planet from a Higher perspective. I am allowing and contemplating the natural unfolding of events, yet trusting that all will accomplish Spiritual evolution!
~ Velia Trejo, Mexico
You'll Receive Two Powerful Recordings:
1) The complete session recording (so you can learn and journey):
0 to- :28 - Q & A, The Collective shares about Love, Awareness and Love Force being the origin
of all other energies, the Source of All That Is.
:28 - The story of you., the origins of you. (You will Love this and it will resonate in your heart!)
:36 - :1:27 - The Amazing Guided Process to Love-Source Force
1:28 - to end, wrap up sharing, powerful insights
2) The Guided Process to Love-Source-Force Alone (so you can journey repeatedly to Love/Joy!)
50 minutes Incredible Meditative Process
Energy ♥Exchange $73.33
click link below to purchase
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Look inward and find the Love and Peace within. As you do so, the outer world will reflect the Love and Peace you feel.
~ The Collective ~
We BE Love and Joy with you!
Namaste ~ The Collective
Step into the Love that You Are
It FEEEELS So good!
© Amy Flynn and The Collective